Google Trends

Google Trends is the tool that allows you to see what others have been searching for with Google. Trends uses on the fly graphs show how often a term is used over time and where geographically most people are searching for a given term.  This can be most helpful in determining when to stock up as a retailer on specific items and also when to make doem to clear inventory and make space for new hot items. You can compare multiple of more than one in order to determine relative popularity.  It’s not as sophisticated as a Google analytic tools, for your specific business but a great way to measure among your peers and see how you rank overall learn more here Google Insights for Search.

Google Trends Are a collection of Hot Topics and Hot Searches.

So are you ready ton see the hot searches for your industry? You will be able to measure historical searches and more emerging trends that are the fastest rising at the moment do develop patterns and selling strategies with cross platform precision. Past performance is not an indicator of future productivity but it dies let you know where your where and hindsight is always 20/20. While popularity is not guarantee of success, , as the most popular searches tend to stay the same according to Google. Trends are relative increases in popularity, such as searches for the latest gadget announcement or music video release.

Hot Topics are the things you need to watch for your impulsive and now end users, This will measure current trending terms in news and social media feeds like, google +, and Twitter.  Don’t confuse this, the Hot Topics will not measure any of the searches, but it is a measure engagement and the number people are talking about this on the Internet.

Google Trends is on the Web at

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